Don 2: The King Is Back is a 2011 Indian Hindi language action thriller film written, co-produced and directed by Farhan Akhtar. It is the second installment in the Don reboot series. Jointly produced by Excel Entertainment and Red Chillies Entertainment, the film stars Shah Rukh Khan as the titular anti-hero, with Priyanka Chopra, Boman Irani, Lara Dutta, Om Puri, Nawwab Shah, Ally Khan, Sahil Shroff and Kunal Kapoor playing supporting roles. A sequel to Don (2006), the film's story takes place 5 years after the previous film when Don (Khan), a powerful international drug lord, plans to steal currency printing plates from a bank in Berlin to take over the counterfeiting business in Europe, while Roma (Chopra) has joined Interpol to hunt him down.
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